Board of Trustees
Events @ PSJC
Welcome to the PSJC Events Page! Here you can find a listing of all of the classes, religious services, social and special events that are coming up at PSJC.
Events @ PSJC
Welcome to the PSJC Events Page! Here you can find a listing of all of the classes, religious services, social and special events that are coming up at PSJC.
PSJC affirms its solidarity with Medinat Israel and its people. We pray for the well-being of those defending it and those who have been taken hostage. We are committed to helping ensure a secure and peaceful future for Israel and its neighbors.
Shabbat Day Resources
Shacharit, Minchah, and Evening Service/Havdalah
Resources for Shabbat Morning
The materials on this page are intended to facilitate and enhance your observance of the day of Shabbat at home. See the PDF Guide, below, for thoughts from the Rabbi on davenning on one's own.
For those who are joining services through Zoom on Shabbat, note that the Zoom stream will open at 6:45PM Friday evening for Kabbalat Shabbat and will remain turned on for those who would like to join at that time or for viewing on Saturday. If you sign on Friday evening and stay signed on for Shabbat morning, remember to turn off your audio and the "energy savings settings" so your computer screen doesn't turn off overnight. Check the Events Page for service times and links.
Basic Guide to Personal Prayer and Shabbat Morning Solo Prayer
This Week's Parashah
Shabbat Parashat Vayishlach
Triennial Torah Reading: Genesis 32:4-36:43
(P 198-220 in Etz Hayim)
Haftarah: Obadiah 1:1-21
(P 221-225 in Etz Hayim)
Torah Reading
Refuah Sh'leimah List
December 12, 2024
Additional Shabbat Morning Resources
Siddur Sim Shalom Shacharit
Transliteration of Shabbat Morning Services
(Hebrew in English letters)
Birkat Hagomel
Aliyah Blessing
Prayer for
Health Care Workers
for Our Country
Prayer for the State of Israel
Prayer for Peace
Shabbat Afternoon Minchah Service
Shabbat Evening Service and Havdalah
Mourners' Kaddish