Board of Trustees
Events @ PSJC
Welcome to the PSJC Events Page! Here you can find a listing of all of the classes, religious services, social and special events that are coming up at PSJC.
Events @ PSJC
Welcome to the PSJC Events Page! Here you can find a listing of all of the classes, religious services, social and special events that are coming up at PSJC.
PSJC affirms its solidarity with Medinat Israel and its people. We pray for the well-being of those defending it and those who have been taken hostage. We are committed to helping ensure a secure and peaceful future for Israel and its neighbors.
Committees @ PSJC
The PSJC Board, staff, and membership work together in a variety of ways to support the community. We encourage PSJC members to join one or more of our committees, most of which meet monthly.
Responsible for attracting, engaging and retaining members; assists staff in receiving and responds to new member inquiries and applications; organizes new member events; sends new member packets and coordinates new member events and activities; recommends activities to better engage and retain members; conducts exit interviews.
Susana Honig, Alan Palmer, Michael Rieman, Co-Chairs
Seeks to change the perspective on aging from one of stigma and loss, to experiencing these years as a source of possibility, opportunity and respect, through activities, support and community for members who are age 50 and beyond.
Lisa Altshuler, Chair
Organizes events and activities to support the broader community. Coordinates social action and charitable events.
Faye Penn, Chair
Plans and implements fundraising events, which in addition to serving a social and community-building role, help to support other PSJC programming throughout the year.
Marla Kessler Groom & Sarah Josephson
Helps congregants in times of need by delivering meals and attending shivas.
Claudia Foppa-Pedretti and Adina Lerner, Co-Chairs
Supports Hebrew School and related programming. Works with Hebrew School (HS) Principal on programming, curriculum, and logistics. Engages HS families in synagogue events and maintains communication with HS families in coordination with the HS Principal.
Matthew Eilenberg, Chair
Coordinates sale of cemetery plots; recommends and negotiates additional cemetery space and maintenance; performs periodic inspections ensuring that a tombstone is erected at every grave; provides all necessary assistance to any funeral establishment seeking to arrange a funeral for a member.
Florence Hutner & Eden Wofsey, Co-Chairs
The Hevra Kadisha prepares the bodies of deceased Jews for burial according to the Jewish tradition of tahara (purification).
Angela Weisl, Chair
Works closely with the Rabbi and other clergy to recommend ritual practices including music, style, and other logistics of worship; coordinates leyning and davening.
Leslie Salzman, Chair
Security policy, training, grant applications, grant management, physical and electronic security systems.