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All of us face times when aspects of our lives become overwhelming.  G'mach enables individuals to reach out to those in need, creating a human safety net to cushion us when we occasionally fall from the high wire where many of us lead our lives. The word "G'mach" stands for the phrase "Gemilut Chasadim" (גְּמִילוּת חֲסָדִים) which translates to "acts of loving kindness." The tradition of G'mach is integral to Judaism, and participating in any way is a mitzvah. PSJC's G'mach includes Bikkur Cholim - visiting the sick. In addition to our work with those who are ill and in need, PSJC provides a Hevra Kadisha (חֶבְרָה קַדִישָא) - a sacred fellowship whose members lovingly cleanse, dress, lay out and watch over the bodies of the dead until burial.  For more information, please click on the link.

Among our many activities are:

  • Providing the community with details about the death of a PSJC or family member, such as funeral and shiva information.

  • Helping to observe shiva by visiting mourners, sending food, providing prayer books, and organizing shiva minyans.

  • Telephoning and visiting hospitalized or homebound people.

  • Preparing food or running errands for homebound people.

  • Providing a support network during difficult personal times.

Rabbi Carie Carter is always available to provide counsel and guidance when there is a G'mach need. Also, there are many readings in the Bible and Torah, books, articles, and Jewish learning that can provide comfort and understanding. (We will provide you with a list of appropriate titles to which you can link.)

If you are interested in joining G'mach or have a need, please contact us.


PSJC holds rights to gravesites at Beth David Cemetery (in Elmont, Long Island, near Belmont Racetrack) and New Mount Carmel Cemetery (in Glendale, Queens, near the Jackie Robinson Interborough Parkway).  Graves in these cemeteries, like others in and
around New York City, are scarce and valuable — but members of PSJC in good standing may purchase them from PSJC at favorable prices (as of January 1, 2024, $1,350 per standard grave in Beth David Cemetery; $1,800 in Mt. Carmel).  The Board has approved
price rises to $1,800 and $2,700, respectively, on July 1, 2024.

The Cemetery Committee is authorized to complete the paperwork on behalf of PSJC relating to these three cemeteries.  The current members of the Cemetery Committee are: Matthew Eilenberg, chair; Florence Hutner; and Les Honig.  You can get more details about
purchasing graves, registering deeds with the cemeteries, restrictions regarding burials, contacting the office, the Rabbi or the Committee (email: Of course, the Committee works closely with other PSJC working groups regarding end-of-life issues: the Hevra Kadisha (taharah, shmirah, etc.); the Simple Funeral Plan (funeral and
burial); the G’mach (supporting ill members, shiva, supporting grieving members, etc.).

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