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Board of Trustees
Events @ PSJC
Welcome to the PSJC Events Page! Here you can find a listing of all of the classes, religious services, social and special events that are coming up at PSJC.
Events @ PSJC
Welcome to the PSJC Events Page! Here you can find a listing of all of the classes, religious services, social and special events that are coming up at PSJC.

The Jewish High Holy Day season begins with Selichot on September 28th and concludes with Sukkot and Simchat Torah in the middle of October . Rosh Hashanah services will be held from the evening of October 2nd through October 4th and Yom Kippur begins on the evening of October 11th and concludes with Neilah at PSJC on October 12th. During this sacred season, we gather for meaningful services led by Rabbi Carie Carter, Rabbi Hayley Goldstein, Cantor Judy Ribnick, the Avodah Committee, our youth programming staff, and members of the PSJC community. These days offer us the opportunity for reflection, renewal, and connection, as we journey together through this deeply spiritual time.
Where's my ticket?Tickets for all PSJC members, including their children under age 23, will be available at PSJC, organized by household under the last name of the primary member on the account. Members who have paid in full or have established payment plans will find their printed tickets waiting for them at the registration table.
Do I need to bring my ticket for each service?It is helpful for our greeters and security for everyone to have your ticket with you. If you forget yours at home, please check in upon arrival.
Are guest tickets available?PSJC welcomes guests of members, as well as community guests, but they must be registered in advance. Information on purchasing guest tickets can be found here.
Guests of Members$300 (all) / $180 (single holiday) Purchase guest tickets here.
Community Guests$400 (all) / $200 (RH) / $250 (YK) Purchase tickets here. Our Community Kol Nidre service and all youth and family services remain free for all, with donations greatly appreciated.
Yizkor Books
Rosh Hashanah
Yom Kippur
Youth and Family
Ticket Information
Visiting friends or family at PSJC this holiday season?
Does your home synagogue have a reciprocity agreement? Fill out the form below. If you are a PSJC member who requires a letter, please email
Download the PSJC High Holy Days Songbook

© 2022 Park Slope Jewish Center | 1320 8th Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11215 | (718) 768-1453 | Email:
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