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At PSJC we believe that community and connection are cornerstones of meaningful Jewish education. With hectic schedules and families being pulled in so many directions, we believe that PSJC can serve as a place to meet, learn, celebrate, and act; a community that can remain a home base for your entire family.  Students do not just learn about Jewish values, they see how those values impact the spectrum of Jewish practice and living. Whether as class parents, participants in adult education, and as members of the Hebrew School Committee, Jewish education is a lifelong exploration and at PSJC we help our students and their families find access points wherever they are.


We welcome families of all Jewish backgrounds, races, sexual orientation, and family structure to join us on the journey. PSJC's Hebrew School welcomes all children whether or not they meet the halakhic requirements of the Conservative movement and we invite families to consult with our rabbi by the time their children enter fifth grade in order to discuss their child(ren)'s eligibility for Bar/Bat Mitzvah at PSJC. PJSC encourages families to begin as early as our Shorashim (Pre-K) program, but welcomes you throughout your Jewish education journey. Parents may be asked to provide private Hebrew tutoring in order to catch a student up with their class if enrolling in the third grade and beyond, so that your child may obtain the necessary skills to keep up with the class.


Check out our Curriculum Overview for a sense of the topics covered in each grade level. Our teachers make learning come alive through creative use of drama, arts and music, as well as through the celebration of the holidays. Students engage in service projects, field trips, guest speakers, and other special events. We involve the whole family in the learning experience and encourage you to participate in school and PSJC-wide programming throughout the year. 

FOR MORE INFORMATION, please email our Director of Education and Engagement at or contact the synagogue office at 718-768-1453 x102.

Our Team


The PSJC Team has each found their way to our community in a variety of ways. We have public school teachers and musicians, graduate students and professional Jewish educators on our faculty. We have team members who have been members of the PSJC community for years and others who are here just for the Hebrew School. Each member of our team is asked to bring their full-self to their teaching, giving our students a variety of ways to see lived Jewish experiences and identity. 

Gan K'Tan (preK) | Amie Morrison (she/her)
Kitah Aleph (1st) | Eve Kummer - Landau (she/her)
Shorashim (preK - 2nd) | Rachel Goldin (she/her)
Kitah Gimel (3rd) | Tracie Goldman (she/her)
Kitah Hey (5th) | Aliza Nussbaum-Cohen
                                Sam Kunin
                                Rabbi Josh Minkin (he/him)
Kitah Zayin (7th) | Tara Bognar (she/her)
Kitah Gan (K) | Stephen Figurasmith (they/them)
Kitah Bet (2nd) | Rachel Goldin (she/her)
Kitah Aleph (1st) | Eve Kummer - Landau (she/her)
Kitah Dalet (4th) | Eve Kummer-Landau (sher/her)
                                    Hannah Kahn Glass (she/her)
Kitah Vav (6th) | Sarah Rayhkstaum (she/her)
Hebrew through Movmnt | Cheryl Cash-Linietsky (she/her)
Hebrew School Committee

Hebrew School Committee

Claudia Foppa-Pedretti, Co-Chair

Adina Lerner, Co Chair

Sarah Brasky

Tracey Gruver

Erica Ptohos

Adam Relis

Liora Schwartz

Judy Singer

PSJC Board of Trustees Liaison

Note from PSJC Hebrew School Committee Chairs

The 2021/2022 Hebrew School year was certainly memorable!

One of our goals this year will be to focus on forging connections between parents and families. Last year we missed out on the opportunity to get to know each other at pick up and drop off.  We will make sure there are opportunities this year to meet, connect, and schmooze.

If you do not have a Hebrew School aged child, that doesn’t mean that you have to miss out on the fun! Anyone and everyone in the community is welcome to help support and volunteer with the Hebrew School! From volunteering to be a guest speaker in a classroom, to helping with the Purim Carnival, there are so many ways to get involved! Please email Aileen for more information on volunteering. We can always use extra hands! We hope to see you!   


Claudia, PSJC Hebrew School Committee Co-Chair

Do you want to work somewhere that provides a curriculum framework and support, along with the freedom to be creative and bring your full self to your teaching? Do you want to work somewhere that students and faculty are encouraged to ask deep questions? Do you believe that Jewish learning should be fun, dynamic, and spiritual?

Park Slope Jewish Center is looking for enthusiastic Jewish educators and program professionals who want to work with a fantastic group of students and families in 2023- 2024! We are an egalitarian Conservative synagogue community that is defined by our inclusive spirit and our range of opportunities for spiritual renewal, growth, and participation. Scroll below or use the menu above to learn more about open positions on our Faculty Team.

Benefits to employment at the PSJC Hebrew School include: paid sick/excused absences, participation in meaningful and paid professional development sessions, High Holiday tickets, and working in a supportive, creative, and fun community. Part-time teaching positions are salaried based on a competitive and transparent salary scale, with base rates ranging from $50 - $60 per teaching hour.


PSJC is an equal opportunity employer and seeks qualified applicants of all racial and cultural backgrounds, sexual orientation, gender identity, and ages to apply to work within our school. Statistics show that underrepresented groups apply to jobs only if they meet 100% of the qualifications. If you meet the majority of the qualifications and have the right personal characteristics and believe you can still do an outstanding job in this role, please apply or reach out for more information. We ask our faculty to bring their full selves to our programming and to share their "Jewish story" with our community.

Feel free to contact us directly with any additional questions and/or learn more about our Hebrew School. Please email resumes and cover letters to Aileen Heiman, Director of Education and Engagement, at

We are also always looking to increase our database of substitutes, so if you are interested in a less regular commitment, but would like to join our team, please let us know.


Teaching Hebrew school at PSJC is a way to be meaningfully involved with Jewish community, to get to know and build connections with generations coming after me, and to stretch my own Jewish learning and keep growing. It is great getting to know the students and fellow staff, and being part of the larger hopeful and compelling project of building a Jewish future. 

Tara (High School Teacher)

PSJC is a place where Jewish experience is as important as Jewish learning and the individuality of students and teachers is recognized and honored. I spent 7 years working with the amazing students, families, and faculty at PSJC and it was always far and away the highlight of my week (even on a Sunday morning!).If I could take them all with me on my move cross-country, I would. 

Chava (Science Researcher)

The school's leadership emphasizes thinking creatively about how to create meaningful Jewish experiences and learning across the age spectrum. A great balance of support and freedom for teachers combined with a warm atmosphere for all. Students learn and have fun- the teachers do to! I highly recommend teaching at PSJC.

Lisa (Rabbinical Student, now Rabbi)

PSJC is located at the intersection of 8th Avenue and 14th Street in Park Slope, near the 15th Street stop on the F/G, as well as close to the B67/69/61/68 bus routes. We are a block away from multiple CitiBike stations and the bike lane on PPW, making us convenient for bikers from all over Brooklyn.

Join Our Team



Hebrew and Tefillah Teachers (3rd - 6th Grade)

Wednesdays, 3:45PM - 6:00PM

Curriculum includes basic Hebrew letters and decoding, as well as tefillah goals and vocabulary. Teachers must have familiarity with basic siddur skills and liturgy. We can help you with melodies as needed. 

Co-Teacher, Jewish History and Holidays (5th Grade)

Sundays, 9:30AM - 12:15PM

Curriculum includes basic introduction to Jewish history and working with a lead teacher on engaging activities. Holidays are also covered throughout the year as they happen.

Program Assistant

Tuesdays, 2:30PM - 6:30PM 

Wednesdays, 2:30PM - 6:30PM

Sundays, 9:00AM - 12:30PM

If you are looking for a part-time position with a little bit of everything, from working with kids, data entry, program coordinating, administrative support, and even a little teaching if that is a skill you wish to develop, this position is for you! Your regular responsibilities will include assisting with school-pickup and supervising our early arrival program, tracking attendance and class summaries, and most importantly being the smiling face that students and parents see upon entering the building! This position is hourly at a range of $22 - $27/hour, dependent upon experience. 

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