Board of Trustees
Events @ PSJC
Welcome to the PSJC Events Page! Here you can find a listing of all of the classes, religious services, social and special events that are coming up at PSJC.
Events @ PSJC
Welcome to the PSJC Events Page! Here you can find a listing of all of the classes, religious services, social and special events that are coming up at PSJC.

Purim at PSJC is a time of great joy and festivity! We read the Megillah of Esther, which tells the story of how the Jews were saved from destruction in Persia by Queen Esther and her cousin Mordechai. And we celebrate!
For details on all PSJC Purim events, scroll below or visit our events page and search for Purim!

Shalach Manot
We make it easy for you to fulfill the mitzvah of sending gifts to PSJC friends on Purim with Mishloach Manot! Every PSJC Household is eligible to receive a bag on Megillah Night (Sunday, March 24th). Add a personal greeting to their card! By participating in our campaign, not only are you letting a friend know you are thinking of them, but you are also supporting programming at PSJC! You can check out this resource on sending gifts on Purim!
The deadline to participate is Tuesday, March 19th!
Kabbalat Shabbat Services and Mock Treyf Banquet
Mock Treyf Banquet (vegetarian potluck with a creative flair) to follow Kabbalat Shabbat!
PSJC Megillah Reading and Spiel
Esther, Mordechai, Vashti, Achashverosh, and “he who shall not be named” will be with us. Be sure to join us as well for our Purim Megillah reading and Spiel - Peace, Love, and Purim - interspersed amidst the chapters of the Megillah, groggers, masks, costumes, and loads of fun.
Join PSJC for an evening of merry making all before bedtime! Grab your comfy pants and combine the relaxation of Shabbat with the silliness of Purim. You'll find us in the Downstairs Sanctuary. Advanced registration requested.
Hamentaschen Bake-Off
Do you have what it takes to make a treat fit for the Queen? Register here.
Our team of expert judges will taste each entry and declare winners in the following categories: Best Overall Taste, Most Creative, Best Presentation, and the grand prize of Hamantaschen Fit for the Queen!
The only rules for entries are that your hamantaschen must have three sides and some form of filling. Additionally, all ingredients must be dairy/parve/vegetarian. Sweet or savory, bite-size or giant, frosted or with sprinkles, anything goes! Each entry must include at least ONE DOZEN hamantaschen. Fill out the form below to enter. If your entry has a name, please include it! There is no cost to enter the competition, but you must be in attendance at the party to win!
All entries must be submitted by 10:30AM on Sunday, March 12th on the Hamantaschen Bake-Off Table. Our judges will announce the winners at 11:15AM, following the Megillah Reading!
For more information, email
Purim Services/Megillah
Didn’t get enough the night before? Join us for Purim morning services and some more of Megillat Esther with Puppets, Trivia, and a Bloody Mary Bar.
PSJC Purim Party
Join us for our a community BBQ, plus your favorite Purim games, and surprises await! Games, Bounce, Community BBQ, Crafts, and more! Fun for all ages.
Sign Up Here
20s & 30s Seudah at Rabbi Hayley's
Live music, drinks and merriment! RSVP for address